'The Greatest Astrophotographer' ?
Born 1873
Died 1969
We do not know for certain when Marcel De Kerolyr was born According to Richardot, he died in 1969 in a nursing home on the Cote D’Azur, France, but of this we too cannot be certain. A search of the usual Genealogical sources reveals nothing of him or his family.
The International Genealogical Index does not have a single entry for the surname De Kerolyr or Kerolyr, nor do any of the large internet family history databases. Marcel De Kerolyr is a shadowy figure as ghostly and as difficult to capture as the nebulae he photographed. He does however, show himself through his work and his photographs. We unfortunately have to be content with this alone.
Today, Marcel De Kerolyr is almost forgotten, yet in the 1930s he was the most celebrated astronomical photographer of that time. His magnificent images adorned the pages of the leading astronomical journals and magazines during this period, including the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, L’Astronomie and the Astrophysical Journal.
It is a sad indictment on the Paris Observatory that it neither gave De Kerolyr an official position nor did it even bother to ensure that a fitting obituary was published given his outstanding contributions in the field of astronomical photography. He did not deserve such shabby treatment by those he had served so well.
He has a legitimate claim to the title of the 'Greatest Astrophotographer' who ever lived.
To read more on his life and work read the eBook chapter on Marcel De Kerolyr or buy the Book 'Catchers of the Light'.

'Horsehead' Nebula Region of Orion, Marcel De Kerolyr, 80cm Reflector, c1932

Buy the eBook or Printed Book at the 'Catchers of the Light' shop.